December 11, 2007

Better late than never

Posted in Lingerie at 11:03 pm by Catt

I had so much fun on my vacation and met some new friends that just had to come home with me. I, of course, use the term friends very loosely because the flu bugs that decided to call me home (and well overstayed their welcome) were anything but friendly. But I finally recovered from their presence (gotta love winter and flu season) and found enough energy to bring to life todays awesome release. It is also my entry to the EFA design awards so if you like what you see, vote with your wallet by visiting on-rez here or the on-rez vendor in my store.

I have called this set Airo and it is huge! 7 colours of goodness and every layer possible. Corset, g-string, boyshorts and stockings. Everything a girls needs for … well for whatever you desire 😀 I have thumb nailed the picture below because it is also rather large but do go ahead and click on it to see it in its full glory. I promise it is well worth the effort.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you … Airo


October 17, 2007

Dress-ups and remakes

Posted in Catt's Ramblings, Lingerie at 6:30 pm by Catt

Second life avatars come in all shapes and sizes, and yet the female form still tends towards the slimmer model shape, although occasionally accompanied by large breasts and buttocks 😀 While cruising the web looking for new SL blogs to read I found one by Rosie Barthelmess. Rosie is a big girl, in both RL and SL, and as I read her continuing struggle to find clothes to fit in SL I was intrigued as the whether or not my outfits would fit the larger frame. Now we all know how unfriendly SL can get as far as stretch on clothes is concerned (in fact its my biggest problem when designing for men) and although I keep that in mind whenever I design, I do design for the “average” shape. So I invited Rosie over to play dress-ups 🙂 Now I don’t know about Rosie but I was pleasantly surprised to find out how much of my collection did actually fit her!

In the process of trying on different things I gave her one of my older pieces of lingerie and I was horrified, horrified I tell you, at how bad it was. OMG I can’t believe I had that on my shelf!!!!!! Jagged edges, seams that didn’t line up, patterns that didn’t match between the bottom and top. All I could do was hang my head in shame.

Ahh but wait, that wasn’t ALL I could do. I could remake it! Bigger, better, faster… :p And naturally if I was going to remake it I had to add lots of colours right? I see you nodding your head sagely, you know how I work now don’t you? 🙂

So I bring to you, the Romper Teddy in 7 wonderful colours. You may notice that I have gone back to my usual permissions. Yes this comes on every possible layer and yes there is the chance of abuse with this set of perms, but I just wasn’t comfortable with copy/mod. Maybe one day, but not today.

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July 15, 2007

Hey look, something new :)

Posted in Lingerie at 5:55 pm by Catt

Well I finally decided to do something other than swimsuits – lol. So this week I offer to you a satin and leather corset set. Or should that be sets (<– notice the s ) given that there is seven colour selections? Set, sets, whichever, they are out on the wall and ready for you eager buyers. Because I know you are out there somewhere…. right? 🙂

The set(s) comes with two variations of the corset, one over breast and one under breast. It also includes a g-string and a pair of lace top stockings.

They come on every top layer possible so you can mix and match them with almost anything. So we have Peach, Pink, Gold, Green, Blue, Black & Red which you can see in the little pics below. Did you know if you click on them you get to see bigger pics? Bet you did huh 🙂

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December 5, 2006

Going to make this quick

Posted in Lingerie at 1:27 am by Catt

Because it got awefully late somehow without me noticing! I have put the new lingerie line up in my store this evening. Its called Peek-a-boo, comes in both solid and transparent in each pack and is also on both layers so its tattoo friendly.

Lets see, 8 colours, brown, blue, black, red, pink, green, white and purple. I’ve just included the pink version here for you.


I have a pack of all 8 colours in the mob vendor, which I will make another post about when I dont feel as if I’m going to fall asleep on my keyboard- lol.

October 14, 2006

I’m on a roll this weekend

Posted in Lingerie at 6:15 pm by Catt

Gotta love 3 day weekends – lol. Todays offering is another piece of lingerie. I wanted to make something that was little more “casual everyday” rather then the standard omg sex! type lingerie 🙂512cutie.jpg

Click pic to see a bigger view. Hey it even rhymed.