September 5, 2009

Unbelieveable I added something new!

Posted in Casual Wear at 11:15 am by Catt

Amazingly I actually added something new at Catt’s Creations, I guess its impossible to totally stay away 🙂

Its definitely something different for me but it was  fun and a nice way to put my toes back in the water so to speak 🙂

Injury Pack

Catt's Creations Injury Pack

As you can see it has a lot in it! Not actually listed in the add is the fact that the upper body injuries includes the option with a field bandage on the back and without.  Also the arm bandages come as a bloodied option and a clean option.

I have a little store in SL at the moment and it can be found at the store or as usual its listed on SLX

November 18, 2007

New release & vacations

Posted in Casual Wear at 2:15 pm by Catt

I will be on vacation from 11/19 till 11/25 so I wanted to get something out before I left. Its a casual sweatsuit, comes with the top on the jacket layer, pants and a tintable shirt. As usual the permissions are mod/trans and it comes in only 4 colours this time 🙂 In the pictures its extremely difficult to tell the difference between the black and the green (black is on the left) but inworld they cant be mistaken for each other, the green is quite….. green. I tried all kinds of different lighting when taking the pictures but could not get the green to stand out more 😦

While I’m on vacation I will be able to get to my email so I’ll be able to answer IMs but it wont be every day so please be patient if you send me an IM.

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November 11, 2007


Posted in Casual Wear at 3:15 pm by Catt

In RL I have dozens and dozens of sweaters. They are so hard to wash and get dry in winter that I like to make sure I have enough. Naturally when the colder weather came around and I started making sweaters in SL … well I can’t just make one, even tho they are easier to clean in our virtual world 😀

So today’s offering is called Fever. It comes in 6 colours, is on the jacket layer and is mod/trans as usual.

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November 4, 2007

Quick post

Posted in Casual Wear at 10:22 pm by Catt

Its been an insanely busy weekend for me RL but I did manage to get something new out. As I have another huge day tomorrow and should already be in bed, going to make this quick. Denim mini skirts 🙂 5 of em and only for $L50! And yes they are system skirts, you know thats not a crime right? 😀




October 25, 2007


Posted in Casual Wear at 9:27 pm by Catt

Cashmere, love it in RL. Cant get enough of it. Its like carrying around your own snuggle blankie 😀 So of course, I had to bring it into SL. In six colours my new cashmere sweaters are only available on the jacket layer so I’ve priced them at a measly L$50. I’m trying a new standardised background as well, I’m not sure its going to work with lighter coloured outfits, but so far I like it 🙂

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September 7, 2007

Autumn Chill

Posted in Casual Wear at 11:47 pm by Catt

I had a lot of trouble with this one. Not the actual creation of the design, that was fun 🙂 But I agonized for hours over the permissions I would release it with, the pricing and, of course, the sales picture. I am still not happy with the sales picture but I think it’ll work out ok.

This set is being released mod/copy. Now my normal permissions are mod/trans and it was a tough decision for me to change that for this release. So why did I? Well this set comes with 6 different colour shirts, on both the shirt and undershirt layer, 3 pairs of footless wool tights and of course the dress, the top of which is on the shirt and jacket layer. As you can see, thats a lot of items on a lot of layers. Practically to the point where you can create 2 complete outfits.

Now I have no issues with someone wanting to give away the unused layers to a friend, newbie, whatever. Where I have problems is someone splitting the set and only selling part of it at something like a yard sale. I feel that if someone were to buy it that way then my items would be used to cheat another resident. And that just doesn’t work for me. So the decision was made and the outfit is mod/copy. Right now it is only available in world at my main store, however over the weekend I will get it out to SLX etc, and then you will be able to buy it as a gift for someone if you would like. Or IM me, I’d be happy to send it to someone for you 🙂

So the outfit. Well the dress is made from wool, a really dark brown that is so close to black in some environments you wont be able to tell it isn’t. I included the wool tights in light grey, dark grey and black. The shirts are basically a check shirt in 6 basically pastel colours, blue, light blue, orange, green, yellow and pink. The sales posters don’t even come close to showing all of the possible combinations of this piece but there is no way I can get all that in a 256×256 image, and to make it a different size would move away from the standardized look in my store.

So here is the sales picture (you’ll really need to click on it to make it bigger to be able to see the shirts pattern properly), and I’ve added some pictures below of my own to show some of the possible combinations 🙂


ok so my extra pics are thumbnails so this time you really do have to click on them – lol – and yes in the last picture I cheated a little in that the pants I used are not in this set.  These are just some of the possible combinations!


August 25, 2007

Something new

Posted in Casual Wear at 11:24 am by Catt

Although I don’t consciously design for RL seasons (after all SL doesn’t have seasons) I am inspired by what people around me are wearing in RL, and thats all seasonal.

I just re-read that sentence and felt like rolling my eyes and going “ya think?” ::laughs:: I amused myself enough that I decided to let it stay rather than rewriting it, hopefully I’ve managed to add a little smile to your day.

Talking about smiles, and new releases, and seasonal designs…. wow thats a lot to talk about in 3 sentences… anyway, my new release started with just the velvet jackets, then I added a pair of light linen pants to make this an Autumn look rather than Winterish.

When I put it all together for sale I felt this lent itself towards a lot of different options. You can buy the jackets individually, or as a pack of all three. You can buy it as a jacket and pants set (the pants are in the pant & underpants layer in case you want to wear some cute little boots with it) or you can elect to purchase the mega pack of everything.

Rather than put pictures of all the options here I’ve just put the pants/jacket set so you can see how they look, don’t forget you can get a bigger view by clicking on the picture. They are available in world now as well as Metamart, and sometime this weekend will be at SLX and on-rez. Oh in case you haven’t heard of Metamart before 🙂 click here.

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August 17, 2007

Posted in Casual Wear, Club Wear, Home & Garden at 9:28 pm by Catt

Right so, there’s supposed to be a designer about here somewhere?

Despite rumors to the contrary I have not been spirited away by aliens or been locked away in the funny farm (although there are days I think that’s only a matter of time). But I have been trapped in RL, and totally unmotivated the few times I’ve managed to actually log onto SL. But I know thats no excuse! So to try and make amends, I’ve more than just the usual single release today 😀 I had several requests to release my RFL outfit in different colours, so I did. I have called this one Devi after the Sanskrit word for Goddess and have deliberately not included the jacket that was available with the RFL outfit and of course, neither will I offer the outfit in pink.

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I have always loved the TV show Andromedia and most especially the outfits that Beka Valentine wears. She manages to be sexy and mean all at the same time without showing all of that nasty skin lol. So I was watching my DVDs the other day and of course I just had to get the design her outfit inspired out of my head and into SL. That is why my second offering this week is “Beka”. I used a moleskin look to the texture of the clothing, and it includes two different top versions, the pants and several glove options. Gloves you say? What do we need gloves for?

Well 🙂

The gloves started life simply as the bottom part of the sleeve where it wraps around the middle finger but then purely by accident I noticed it makes some cool different looks to the sleeve of the longer shirt. Hopefully you can see it in the pic, either way I included a few options for you to play with.

Oh and this outfit screams to be worn with some bad-guy kicking boots so I included the pants on the underwear layer as well.


Not fashion related, but then not everything in my store is, but I had a request to make a couple different models of my jukeboxes. And so I did. The pictures here aren’t very good because, well never mind, just because. But you can see what they look like. Oh and I decided to create a scripted set as well, so if you own the land you place it on or deed it to group on group land, it will control the music URL. There are 7 pre-programed channels on the jukebox. Actually I created the jukebox and my darling husband created the script inside 🙂 and while he was at it he built a more modern version of the jukebox which is also available for sale.

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And if you have managed to get this far… 😀 … I am thinking of trying my hand at shoes.  Yes yes I know, my apathy towards prims is well documented so its practically a given that at some stage I will want to pick them up and throw them against a convenient virtual wall, but I’m going to try anyway.  So there!

Hopefully my next lengthy absence wont be because the prims finally drove me batty and they dragged me away in a white suit – lol.

June 25, 2007

Give it to me baby….

Posted in Casual Wear, Catt's Ramblings, Swimsuits at 7:57 pm by Catt

I have discovered that like most people I thrive on praise! Not the praise you get from friends or family, but from complete strangers who see/buy your outfits and say things like …

Perfect fit, very fine texture.
A piece of art. And that for only 125L$.

OMG I was having such a horrible day today and then I saw that on one of my swimsuits for sale on SLX. All of a sudden the day didn’t seem so bad 😀 Gotta love how easy it is to make designer deliriously happy – lol.

And now to, hopefully, share the joy with my customers 🙂 I’ve some new things for you today. As usual clicking on the little pics gives you such a better view when it displays all big like.

This lovely set comes with a lot of pieces, two sets of pants, the top comes with a scarf and without and is on the shirt & jacket layer. I originally made the top to go with the light linen pants but accidentally found it works so well with the pin-stripe pants I already had that I just had to include it.


And of course swimsuits. I just so love swimsuits at the moment and with this set I think I got a little carried away colour wise. Oh well gives you lots of choices .

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May 28, 2007

More new goodness

Posted in Casual Wear, Swimsuits at 4:48 pm by Catt

I’ve actually managed to be productive this weekend, wonders will never cease! And I have a few more things in production but decided to get out what I had already done so I wasn’t overwhelmed by the sales pics (which I may have mentioned takes almost as long as making the clothes!)

Anyway I’ve two new summer dresses. Yes they do use the system skirt, you know that isn’t a crime don’t you? 😀

First is Florence.


And Aura.


And of course I had to do a few more swimsuits, my life just wouldn’t be complete at the moment if I wasn’t creating swimsuits. Don’t ask, its just way to complicated :p

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