September 21, 2008

Just wow

Posted in Admin, Catt's Ramblings at 9:03 pm by Catt

OMG it has been an awesome day. I was pretty sure that by the time came for me to go to bed I would be feeling pretty down and emotional knowing that tomorrow it was all coming to a final end. I cannot thank everyone enough who stopped by and took the time to chat and wish me luck. You are all amazing people! 😀

The store is still up and the sale, of course, will continue until the store is gone. I wont be in world before about 10am SL time tomorrow morning so if you missed grabbing something today you still have a few hours! Well actually I guess that’s almost 12 hours – lol – but you know what I mean.

Thank you again for making today something special instead of something sad.

April 3, 2008

Change of direction

Posted in Admin, Catt's Ramblings at 6:54 pm by Catt

I will no longer be making clothes.  Ohhh its sounds so harsh when put that bluntly.  My store will still be open and I will still be doing full customer support, but I just don’t enjoy making clothes anymore.  To be honest I never really did enjoy it.  Way back in the dark ages when I was new to SL, like most, I had no lindens and the quality free items that you can find in world today just weren’t available then.  So if I wanted to win that “best 50s outfit” at the local club, or just be seen in anything other than what were very well known freebies at that time, I had to make my own.  So I did.  And I gave them out to anyone who wanted em (and some that didn’t but were just being nice – lol ).  On one occasion someone, I really don’t remember who,  gave me I think 50 lindens for one of my 50s outfits.  I was shocked!  After all who would want to pay money for my pitiful stuff?  But I was convinced to put up for sale what I had already made and surprisingly it sold.  So I made more stuff and had spending money!!  Then we purchased an island.  Now it wasn’t spending money anymore it was income to cover the cost of our very expensive sandbox.  So gradually my store became a second job, and one that I did not enjoy.

To successfully run a business in SL requires a lot of time commitment, to successfully run a fashion business in SL requires ungodly amounts of time, constant releases (noooo its not at all true that fashion buyers have the memory span of a gnat) , heh the list goes on, I doubt you want to hear me whine about it.  There are so many talented designers in SL both established and upcoming that I felt I was always running last in a marathon and I just couldn’t keep up.  And on top of all that I really didn’t like the creation process.

So I decided that if I wanted to stay in SL I had to start enjoying it again.  And in order to do that I had to stop designing new clothes.  So I have. But I’m not going away, because there are so many things in SL I do love doing.  I enjoy building but I love texturing the builds my husband makes.  I love creating gardens and ponds/waterfalls. I love exploring.  I love fishing and hang-gliding and sky jumping and water slides!

I also discovered a love for digital scrapbooking when we held several weddings on the island. I thought I would hate making the wedding albums, but its an unbelievable amount of fun!

So I will be offering a scrapbooking service, this time I will get my spending money doing something I truly enjoy 🙂

I should put the obligatory sales pitch here – lol – but I’ll just settle for …  if you are interested in getting a scrapbook done check it out at SLX, onrez or shoot me an IM inworld 🙂

September 16, 2007

Nothing new

Posted in Admin at 10:51 am by Catt

Its unlikely I’ll get anything out this weekend. The motivation, she is not there. And then I’ve spent the last week texturing an RP sim and can’t bare the thought of playing in PSP again today 😀

But I did want to get this out to everyone. I’ve not seen very much advertising on the fashion blogs for it yet. Be there or be triangular.


June 11, 2007

At the tone please leave a message … beeeeep

Posted in Admin at 4:07 pm by Catt

I am going on vacation. Sorta. My husband and I are moving to Montana so I have a week of house hunting to get through.  Actually it could be fun, I’m looking forward to it.

What that means is that I will be away from SL for a week and during that time I will not be reading email/IMs etc etc etc.  But you should still send one to me, if you need to.  It will go to email and I’ll read it when I get back. 

I have several outfits almost ready to go, just need some sales posters, but with all that been happening in RL I just haven’t had the time.  Now if I were at home I’d post a few sneak peeks but unfortunately for you the only time I could squash in to blog was at RL work 😦

So everyone have fun, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do (which of course gives you lots! of room to maneuver) and I’ll release more yummys when I get back.

March 26, 2007

Its definitely that time of the year.

Posted in Admin, Swimsuits at 8:13 pm by Catt

After messing with the theme and deleting and recreating all the categories I think I have worked out the display posts by category issue, now all I have to do is decide on the new theme….. or perhaps go back to the old one. I don’t know right now 🙂

But for the real reason everyone is here……

Swimsuits are definitely the “popular” item at the moment and I almost feel as if I should be doing something else 😛 But I didn’t, so we have 4 new suits going up in the store tonight. I noticed that each theme treats the pics different so don’t forget each of these are actually thumbnails – do the clickty dance to see the bigger versions 🙂

512swimjb1.jpg 512swimjb.jpg

512swimjo.jpg 512swimjp.jpg

March 23, 2007

Blog management “stuff”

Posted in Admin at 5:04 pm by Catt

So I noticed today that my % used of available space is starting to get a little high. So seems like I’m running out of space on the blog.  Something must be done!

I was looking at what could be cleaned out (or not 🙂 ) and I realised that I had never actually finished the clothing category pages I had started out with.  So those can go!  And some of them have a chunkload of pictures which I can delete as well. Or I could just host the pictures elsewhere and modify these pages so that I still have the information and the space.  oh the agony of decision.

The reason why I havent done either is that I also noticed that the category links don’t seem to be working, you know the ones that are supposed to display only those posts tagged with a category?  Clicking on the category is not supposed to show every post I made.  ::grumbles:: Who knew blogging could be so complicated.

I have no doubt you are much more interested in a new release than my blogging problems, so let me just say that I do have some swimsuits and some bangles coming out this weekend, but in the meantime……. how do I make this stoopid category stuff work??

It is coming into spring you know, and it is time to do some spring cleaning and I really don’t want to run out of space on my blog and….. and you really don’t care.  But that’s ok 🙂  I’ll work it out.  But if you do have experience with wordpress blogs let me know… I’d appreciate some suggestions.

January 28, 2007

New group

Posted in Admin at 11:35 pm by Catt

Just wanted to take a quick moment to let everyone know that I have created an update group.  Its called Catt’s Creations (big surprise there!) and when you are searching for the group dont forget the ‘ in Catt’s.  I may end up making two because that can get very confusing – bah silly SL search.

Like most designer groups, I will be offering freebies, first looks and at the moment have decided to do a 2-for-1 on all new releases for group members.

At best I average one new item a week so this will definitely be a low spam group 🙂 and it costs nothing to join!

October 6, 2006

Static pages, links and “stuff”

Posted in Admin at 2:31 pm by Catt

I’ve finished the framwork on all the static pages for this site, most of them lack images but I’m working on it 🙂  It is not as easy using a 3rd party host site as owning your own server.  It is amazing how much easier it is to drag images from one directory to another as compared to actually having to upload each and every one of them.  Ahh well.

I’ve added another link as well to the Vida Magnifica blog.  You remember Vida Magnifica, I posted about it a bit ago (points down), the fashion show.  The one I was in?  Remember?  🙂

Well the show itself was a wonderful success.  At the last minute Sammy asked me if I could help out by simulcasting the mc in chat, just in case someone had to turn off their sound for lag reasons.  So I didnt actually get to smooze with the other designers and take pics and stuff, but I still had a lot of fun.  Maybe I can weedle my way into the next one.

Weekend coming up, get to make more “stuff”, cant wait!

September 7, 2006

Blog recreation

Posted in Admin at 10:31 pm by Catt

The sad story of my original blog has been documented under the admin entries if you want to read all about it, but the short answer is, it broke.  I had hoped to be able to export my old one and import it to here, but that apparently would have been too easy because, of course, it didnt work.  So the long, laborious procedure begins yet again.  I have just finished the Casual Wear page, and over time the others will slowly follow.  I wish to emphasis here the phrases “over time” and “slowly”, so no yelling at me because I”m taking too long 🙂

September 1, 2006

What are we doing here?

Posted in Admin at 9:46 pm by Catt

So I had a blog.  Pretty it was too. It did its work without complaining, we spent many, many hours together till I had the story of my entire inventory laid out in its pages.  Then our server died.  A very expensive server……mere days out of warranty (who would have guessed!)  It was resurrected and my blog and I caught up on all the time we had missed together.  Then the server’s network card died.  Did I mention it was a very expensive server mere days out of warranty?  But network cards are easy to replace so soon my blog and I were again catching up on missing time.  Then……..

Can we see a pattern here?

Convinced that the server wishes only to make my life a total misery I have decided to move my blog somewhere else.  Somewhere where a difficult server is not my problem.  Somewhere where they have more money and can afford to rebuild servers every couple of days.  Somewhere like…..oh here perhaps?  🙂

I am going to turn on the monster machine this weekend and export my old blog, which thankfully I used wordpress for, and import it to here.  If all goes well everything should be up and running on Monday.  If all does not go well (was that a bell I heard tolling in the distance?) I will have to slowly and painstakingly recreate all the blog pages. ::wimpers::

So watch this spot and as a reward I will have a brand new outfit to show you when I’m done.  😀